Episcopal Church
Location: 115 N. Sixth St., Hamilton, Ohio
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 851
Hamilton, Ohio 45012
Facebook: Trinity-Episcopal-Church-Hamilton
Serving Hamilton-area people
and their spiritual well-being since 1823.
LGBTQ+ Affirming

At Trinity, our vision is to carry out the mission work given to us through the word and works of Jesus Christ, which means we see the world as what we can do for it versus what it can do for us.I

Trinity's Free Clothing Closet is open Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Patrons may come twice a month and are limited as to the amount of clothing they may take.
The Closet has operated for many years in the basement of Trinity’s two-story building that is accessed from the parking lot entrance. This pantry is operated by Trinity volunteers to help those with financial hardship including those who are homeless. Patrons may visit once a week and take clothing that can fit in one plastic grocery bag (provided by the pantry) and are asked to sign in and list the city in which they live. This helps us know how many people are coming and from how far away. We know that people do come from across the county.
Items we offer in the pantry: Clothing of all types for infants through adults, including coats, undergarments, socks, shoes, purses, belts, hats and gloves. As we are able, we also offer hygiene bags with soap, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrush plus other items. At times we may have laundry detergent.
The Choir sings during the Sunday 9:30 service and rehearses in the Choir Room prior to the service. The choir welcomes new members. If you are interested, please contact the church office.
Counseling is regularly offered by our priest on diverse spiritual and daily living needs for not only parishioners but also for those who knock on our door seeking information, compassion, prayer and help in resolving problems.
The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) meets monthly for a luncheon and a program. Presently, the group is meeting on Sunday for brunch. Dates vary. If you are interested in joining this group, please call the church office--513-896-6755.
Lay Eucharistic Minister Volunteers are trained to visit homebound and those in medical facilities or nursing homes to administer communion and provide spiritual support.
NEST (Nurturing Every Step Together) is a mentoring program for young or new mothers who have financial, social and family challenges that can impede healthy development of the mother and her child or children. It is led by a nurse and social worker, assisted by volunteers. For more information, please call the church office.
The Hamilton Pastors' Group on Homelessness and Poverty, generally meets the second Wednesday of the Month at 8:00 a.m. in Trinity's Fellowship Hall. Convened by Trinity Rector Mother Suzanne LeVesconte, the coalition now includes members from diverse human service agencies as well as clergy from various Hamilton churches. The group’s aim is to improve circumstances for persons who are poor and homeless in the Hamilton area via networking, advocacy, and problem solving.
12 Step Recovery Programs meet multiple evenings at Trinity These include Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA).
The current meeting schedules for these groups are:
Wednesdays: 7:00pm NA Meeting
Thursdays: 7:00pm Women of Hope NA Meeting
Fridays: 8:30pm AA Meeting